HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Incentive Program ("Program") – Terms and Conditions

This Program is organized by PRM Marketing Services Pte. Ltd (“Organizer”), the company designated by Hewlett Packard Enterprise for the development, administration and execution of the entire online Incentives and loyalty Platform called " HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Partner Club".


ACTION Partner Club is designed to accelerate the sales of HPE Networking Instant On solutions and consists of two Memberships: ACTION and ACTION Premier as outlined in the table below.

** Minimum USD 400 per quarter
***When selling min USD 250 of HPE Aruba Networking SMB product lines I5 + 3P
****Max USD 50,000


1st February 2025 – 31st October 2025


1. ACTION Club

HPE partners who

  1. have a valid HPE Partner Agreement with a Solution Provider Authorization Addendum and HPE Networking Instant On product exhibits, and/or
  2. all HPE Partners that are in good standing even if they have not signed an HPE Partner Agreement
are allowed to participate in the Program as ACTION Club Participants if they meet the respective Program eligibility criteria (the “ACTION Participants”). Partners without a valid HPE Partner Agreement must pass the HPE screening if applicable, to be in good standing and be eligible to claim Program incentives as an ACTION Participant. Failing to pass the HPE screening shall automatically disqualify the participating partner from the Program.

Participants registered with E-Commerce Partner Program or SMB Integrator Reseller program or any local or global HPE Networking Instant On Reseller Program will be ineligible to participate and claim incentive under this Program. Distributors, OEM and ODP will also be ineligible to participate and claim incentive under this Program.

HPE will inform ACTION Participants in writing if they are or become eligible for the ACTION Premier Club (“Premier Notification”). ACTION Participants must log onto the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Platform in order to accept to move from ACTION Club to ACTION Premier Club. The acceptance must occur at least fifteen (15) days before the end of the HPE financial quarter to be eligible to receive ACTION Premier Club Incentives for the joining quarter (incentives will be calculated for the entire quarter). ACTION Participants that have not signed an HPE Partner Agreement with a Solution Provider Authorization Addendum and HPE Networking Instant On product exhibits yet, will need to sign such an agreement before they are able to accept to move from ACTION to ACTION Premier. The switch from ACTION Club to ACTION Premier Club will take effect immediately and for the entire quarter if the ACTION Participants accepts to move to ACTION Premier at least fifteen (15) days before the end of the HPE financial quarter. If the acceptance occurs within the last fourteen (14) days of the HPE financial quarter, the switch will become effective the following quarter.

2. ACTION Premier Club

Authorized HPE partners who have a valid HPE Partner Agreement with a Solution Provider Authorization Addendum and HPE Networking Instant On product exhibits, are allowed and may be invited to participate in the Program as ACTION Premier Club Members if they meet the respective Program eligibility criteria and the sales threshold for Eligible Products mentioned in these Terms (the “ACTION Premier Participants”)

Participants registered with E-Commerce Partner Program or SMB Integrator Reseller program or any local or global HPE Networking Instant On Reseller Program will be ineligible to participate and claim incentive under this Program. Distributors, OEM and ODP will also be ineligible to participate and claim incentive under this Program. ACTION Participants and ACTION Premier Participants are herein together referred to as “Participants”.

ACTION Participants and ACTION Premier Participants are herein together referred to as “Participants”.


Participants must, for the duration of the Program, meet all the below criteria to be eligible for this Program:

  1. Participants must be from region: APJ
  2. Participants registered with this Program and HPE Engage & Grow program will only be eligible to redeem award under one program for eligible sales. Participants cannot claim Incentives under this Program if the same eligible sales are submitted for HPE Engage & Grow program and vice versa.
  3. Each Participant must register online at https://action.arubainstanton.com and complete the required personal information, read and accept the corresponding terms and conditions.
  4. Upon successful registration, each Participant will join the Program as ACTION Participant per default. Once HPE has validated the application, eligible Participants will be invited to join the Program as ACTION Premier Participants.
  5. Participants are required to meet the sales threshold for the Eligible Products mentioned in these Terms to be eligible to participate as ACTION Premier Participants in the Program.
  6. ACTION Premier Participants who sell more than USD 50,000 per quarter, will work closely with the HPE Networking team to develop a business plan and participate in quarterly business reviews.
  7. Both the established goals and the partial and final results of this Program can be viewed within the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Partner Club Platform only. Within the indicated Platform, only people with an Owner and/or Manager profile can visualize these results. For the Program details, review the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Program letter on the HPE Networking Instant On Platform here. https://action.arubainstanton.com
  8. HPE may terminate the participation of a Participant in this Program with immediate effect if the Participant fails to comply with any section and/or Program Eligibility Criteria defined in these Terms.
  1. The HPE Networking Instant On Products from product lines 3P (HPE Networking Instant On Access Points and accessories) and I5 (HPE Networking Instant On Switches and accessories) provided in the link below (“Eligible Products”) are eligible for Incentives
  2. Demonstration products, HPE Renew products, or other used products are not eligible under this Program. HPE Networking Instant On Products purchased under an existing global or large national Framework Agreement or under global deals or deals under Big Deal Exclusion (“BDE”) with a customer will not be eligible for Incentives under the Program.
  3. The Product list for Discover Instant On Incentive & Cash Bonus Booster incentive will be available on the Program portal- https://action.arubainstanton.com/ and also mentioned under the participating invite.

Sales Requirements

ACTION Premier Participants are required to meet the following sales threshold for the Eligible Products to be eligible for the Incentives and continue to participate in the Program.

Sales thresholds*
Country Tier Threshold*
All Countries $15,000

*Threshold achievements are reported at the end of each quarter.

Should an ACTION Premier Participant not maintain the minimum thresholds for 2 quarters in a row then they will be ineligible to remain in the ACTION Premier Club and be moved into the ACTION Club instead. HPE will inform affected Participants of such move. For the avoidance of doubt, for one (1) quarter following the removal from ACTION Premier Club and move to ACTION Club, the affected Participants are ineligible to re-join the ACTION Premier Club.

Training Requirements

HPE Networking Instant On product Sales Accreditation training enables the an ACTION Premier Participants to provide high-quality sales support to their customers. Training must be completed within two (2) quarters of acceptance to the ACTION Premier Club, or by April 30, 2025 for an ACTION Premier Participants registered before Nov 1st, 2024. HPE will track the completion of training requirements.

# of employees Course name Hyperlink
2 HPE Networking Instant On Sales Accreditation Link
  • Training is valid for two (2) years from the date achieved.
  • The training courses may be refreshed periodically to include new products.

1. ACTION Club Incentives

  • Cash Bonus Incentive- ACTION Participants will be rewarded with a quarterly Cash Bonus Incentive equal to 4% of the sell-out on the purchase of Eligible Products. The ACTION Participants need to achieve a minimum sell-out of $400 per quarter to trigger the Cash Bonus Incentive. Partners who are not yet members of ACTION Partner Club program are required to register with the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Incentive Program within 30 days of the 1st Eligible Sale to be eligible for the Cash Bonus Incentive.
  • Discover Instant On Incentive- In the sole discretion of HPE Networking, a Discover Instant On Incentive can be announced for specific periods. During the announced period, Participants who have not sold 3P or I5 Product line within the last 4 quarters before the announcement will be entitled to a one-time Discover Instant On Incentive for a value of $100 when selling a minimum of $250 worth of Eligible Products. The offer is valid only for the first 150 partners meeting criteria per quarter. Partners who are not yet members of the ACTION Partner Club program are required to register with the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Incentive Program within 30 days of the 1st Eligible Sale to be eligible for this one-time Discover Instant On Incentive.
  • Cash Bonus Booster Incentive- In the sole discretion of HPE Networking, a Cash Bonus Booster Incentive can be announced for specific periods. During the announced period, all ACTION Participants in APJ will be entitled to receive an additional cash bonus for the specified SKUs. The amount of the cash bonus booster per SKU will be announced for each announcement period and is in the sole discretion of HPE Networking. Incentive Cap: The Incentives listed above are capped at $2000 per quarter for ACTION Participants who do not have valid Agreements in place and $50,000 per quarter for ACTION Participants with a valid HPE Agreement.
  • Quarterly Incentive Payment: The Incentives are calculated for the completed HPE quarter and paid out the following quarter, upon ACTION Participant’s claim on the HPE Networking Instant On Platform. The payment of the Incentives listed above will be made by electronic bank transfer to the ACTION Participant’s bank account provided with the registration. Bank accounts outside the country of the ACTION Participant shall not be valid for payment.

2. ACTION Premier Club Incentives

Quarterly Rebates

  • In additional to the front-end Oder Incentives, ACTION Premier Participants will be entitled to receive Quarterly Rebates (as defined in the table below). A minimum quarterly revenue of $15,000 must be achieved to qualify for the Quarterly Rebate.
  • The maximum Quarterly Rebate value under this Program is capped at $50,000 (based on a maximum quarterly revenue of $1,500,000) per quarter per participating Partner in ACTION Premier Club.
  • The Sales must be made to end-customers located in APJ.
  • The Quarterly Rebate will be paid quarterly upon Participant’s claim on the HPE Networking Instant On Platform. The payment of the Incentives listed above will be made upon Participant choice either as e-voucher or by electronic bank transfer to the Participant’s bank account provided with the registration. Bank accounts outside the country of the Participant shall not be valid for payment. The Quarterly Rebate calculated in accordance with the Program Terms is exclusive of VAT.
  • electronic bank transfer to the ACTION Premier Participant’s bank account provided with the registration. The Quarterly Rebate calculated in accordance with the Program Terms is exclusive of VAT.
  • Quarterly Rebates are calculated for the completed quarter and paid out the following quarter.
The Quarterly Rebate based on revenue achieved from the sale of Eligible Products is calculated as follows.
Band Quarterly sales volume Rebate Amount
Band 3 +$300,000 7.5%
Band 2 $100,000 - $299,999 6%
Band 1 $15,000* - $99,999 4%

1. ACTION Club Incentive Criteria

  • Sales are generally not retroactive. Sales before registration date are taken into account for the quarterly Cash Bonus Incentive and the Discover Instant On Incentive, as long as, the ACTION Participant completes the registration and accepts the terms and conditions on the Platform within 30 days of the 1st Eligible Sale
  • To redeem the Incentives, the ACTION Participant has up to sixty (60) days from the end of the quarter. To redeem, ACTION Participant must visit https://action.arubainstanton.com/. Once an Incentive has been redeemed, it cannot be modified or canceled. Incentives are non-transferable. All decisions about the Program made by HPE Networking are final.

2. ACTION Premier Incentive Criteria

ACTION Premier Participants need to be enrolled for a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the end of the quarter to be eligible to receive ACTION Premier Incentives associated with this Program (incentives will be calculated for the entire quarter). For the avoidance of doubt, ACTION Premier Participants enrolling during the last 14 days of a quarter are not eligible to receive any Incentives for the quarter they joined the Program and will start being eligible for ACTION Premier Incentives the following quarter.

Note: Only Eligible Products sold through HPE Authorized Distributors are valid for incentives.

The Incentives calculated in accordance with the Program Terms are exclusive of VAT.

For the avoidance of doubt, Participants will only be eligible to receive Incentives under one ACTION Partner Club Membership, either the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Partner Club or the HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Premier Partner Club.

Applicable only for Partner entity with Branch(es)- If both Headquarters and Branch(es) are registered in ACTION Partner Club, incentive calculation will be consolidated at Headquarters level and will be paid to Headquarters. If only Branch(es) are registered in ACTION Partner Club, incentives will be paid to each branch, as per Eligible Sales and Incentives Rules.


Name: Subha Radha Krishna Sharma
E-mail: subha.r@hpe.com
Title: SMB Program Office - APJ Region

  1. These terms (“Terms”) apply to the Program and are, if applicable, an integral part of Participants’ HPE Partner Agreement and shall govern the subject matter of this Program in case of any conflict between these Terms and the HPE Partner Agreement.
  2. Participants agree that they are authorized to enter into this Program and their participation in the Program constitutes acceptance of these Terms.
  3. This Program runs from 1st February 2025 – 31st October 2025 (inclusive). All sales registrations and submittals should be completed at the latest on 31st October 2025.
  4. Only sales/activities involving Eligible Products and sales to commercial customers are eligible for this Program. Deal registrations and sales involving public sector customers are excluded.
  5. The Program is available only to authorized HPE partners in good standing, and if applicable, with a valid HPE Partner Agreement. Termination of valid HPE Partner Agreement shall automatically disqualify the ACTION Premier Participant from participating in the ACTION Premier Club. Such Partner may be moved to the ACTION Club.
  6. Public Sector entities and their employees are ineligible for this Program. The following are “Public Sector entities”: Any national, regional, local, or other government agency or department; any public international organization; royal families; candidates for public office and political parties; and any entity that is owned or controlled by any of the foregoing. In the United States, HPE also considers all private and public K-12 educational institutions and libraries to be “Public Sector entities”.
  7. The Program is valid in the following region: APJ.
  8. HPE reserves the right to review, modify, extend or discontinue any and/or all aspects of the Program without prior notice. The Program may be extended by HPE at its sole discretion.
  9. Incentives provided under this Program may be subject to taxation and reporting, pursuant to applicable local laws. HPE shall not have any liability for taxes (including tax withholdings and employment taxes), social security and insurance contributions, or tax reporting arising from or under this Program.
  10. Participants agree to hold HPE and its directors, officers, employees, licensees and assigns harmless against all and any liability and claims and injuries that may arise from or be based upon participation, winning, acceptance and/or use of the award received in connection with this Program including but not limited to liability for personal injury, property damages or other injury or accident.
  11. HPE, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent corporations, and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, and agents and any and all internet servers and access provider(s) are not responsible for: any incorrect or inaccurate entry information; human error; technical malfunctions or defects of computer systems or websites utilized in the Program, theft, tampering, destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries; data processing that is processed late or incorrectly or is incomplete or lost; and any entries that are late, lost, incomplete, misdirected, stolen, mutilated or illegible. Submitting false, fraudulent, or misleading information in connection with the Program may result in adverse actions including, but not limited to, in disqualification from this Program, future HPE Programs, and civil or criminal liability to the submitter. HPE reserves the right to audit information provided in registration and the supporting documentation for all claims made under this Program.
  12. For the purposes of this Program, HPE cannot guarantee the performance of any third party and to the extent permitted by applicable law shall not be liable for any act or default by a third party.
  13. Participants agree that they are familiar with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and other similarly applicable legislation, and shall not in connection with participation in the Program make any payment or transfer anything of value to, offer, promise or give a financial or other advantage to, or request or agree to receive or accept a financial or other advantage from, either directly or indirectly: any government official or employee (including employees of a government corporation or public international organization), political party, or candidate for public office; or to any other person with an intent to obtain or retain business or gain an improper business advantage.
  14. Any personal data which you may provide when you participate in this Program will only be used by HPE in accordance with its Privacy Statement available at https://www.hpe.com/us/en/legal/privacy.html and if applicable, its subcontractors or service providers, for the purposes of this Program and Participants consent to use of their data for these purposes.
  15. To the extent permitted by applicable law, HPE has the final decision regarding all matters related to this Program.
  16. This Program shall be governed and construed by the laws specified in the Participant’s currently valid HPE Partner Agreement and be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts stated thereunder. For the participating Partner without a valid HPE Partner Agreement, this Program shall be governed and construed by the laws of the country of the establishment of the Partner entity that is registered to the Program. The courts of this country will have jurisdiction.

HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Rewards - APJ ("Program") – TERMS AND CONDITIONS

This Program is organized by PRM Marketing Services Pte. Ltd (“Organizer”), the company designated by HPE Networking Instant On for the development, administration and execution of the entire online rewards and loyalty Platform called "HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Rewards".


1st November 2024 – 31st October 2025


All participants participating under HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Partner Club either under ACTION or ACTION Premier Membership & all account owners and individual users will be eligible under this program.


All Participants participating under HPE Networking Instant On ACTION Partner Club either under ACTION or ACTION Premier Membership & all account owners and individual users will be eligible under this Program.

  1. HPE Networking Instant On will occasionally run certain challenges for the ACTION Partner Club members. These challenges are subject to change on a quarterly or half yearly basis. The challenges will be announced each quarter and details will be available at https://action.arubainstanton.com/
  2. The challenge will go on for a specific period of time as announced and the Participants will be awarded based their engagement in Program which will be measured with badges.
  3. Participants will accumulate badges (1 badge = 5 points) in the defined period of time, which can translate to points at end of the quarter that can be converted to e-vouchers.
  4. The top performers per geography will be entitled to additional bonus points at the end of the quarter. The bonus points shall only be applicable to specific quarters during which top performer recognition is formally announced. In the event that such recognition is not formally announced for a particular quarter, no additional bonus points shall be applicable or awarded.
  5. Gamification Incentives (E-Voucher) are for the participating Winner (or their elected Representative) personal use only. Winners (or Representatives) are not entitled to substitution, cash redemption or transfer of rewards.
  6. The Participants can access the details and rules of the game on the ACTION platform (https://action.arubainstanton.com/EN/Forms/Badges.aspx). Note: the link is accessible only for registered Participants.
  7. The Program rewards are capped at $2000 per quarter per company. The rewards will be provided on first come first serve basis among Participants.
  8. Details Tracking
    Trainings completion with successful quiz On-line tracking on Portal
    Webinars attendance Tracked during webinar
    Quiz successfully answered at the end of webinar Tracked during webinar
    Instant On demo videos Upon submission
    Customer use case posting on portal template On-line tracking on Portal
    Answering program surveys – insights On-line tracking on Portal
    Posting Banners & Social Cards promoting HPE Networking Instant On Upon submission
    Sending communication to customers for promotion of Instant On Upon submission

Name: Subha Radha Krishna Sharma
E-mail: subha.r@hpe.com
Title: HPE Networking Instant On SMB Program Office - APJ Region

  1. 1. These terms (“Terms”) are an integral part of Participants’ HPE Partner Agreement and shall govern the subject matter of this Program in case of any conflict between these Terms and the HPE Partner Agreement.
  2. Participants agree that they are authorized to enter into this Program and their participation in the Program constitutes acceptance of these Terms.
  3. This Program runs from 1st November 2024 – 31st October 2025 (inclusive). All sales registrations and submittals should be completed at the latest on 31st October 2025.
  4. Only sales/activities involving Eligible Products and sales to commercial customers are eligible for this Program. Deal registrations and sales involving public sector customers are excluded.
  5. The Program is available only to Participants in good standing with passing of HPE screening for partners without a valid HPE Partner Agreement. Participants failing to pass the screening shall automatically disqualify the Participant from participating in this Program.
  6. Public Sector entities and their employees are ineligible for this Program. The following are “Public Sector entities”: Any national, regional, local, or other government agency or department; any public international organization; royal families; candidates for public office and political parties; and any entity that is owned or controlled by any of the foregoing. In the United States, HPE also considers all private and public K-12 educational institutions and libraries to be “Public Sector entities”.
  7. The Program is valid in the following region APJ (including China).
  8. HPE reserves the right to review, modify, extend or discontinue any and/or all aspects of the Program without prior notice. The Program may be extended by HPE at its sole discretion.
  9. In the event the Reward needs to be distributed/allocated to a certain number of Winner employees due to the nature of the Reward (such as a trip, event, gift cards etc.), the Winner shall be entitled to nominate the employee representatives that shall benefit from the Reward (“Representative”). Each Winner shall be entitled to appoint up to a maximum of 2 Representative under this Program.
  10. Representatives nominated by the Winners must be an employee of the Winner at the time of the event and/or receipt of the Reward in order to claim the Reward.
  11. HPE will fund the Reward as outlined above. All other expenses will be the responsibility of the Winners and/or the Representative as determined between them (eg. spending money).
  12. Program rewards are for the Winners’ (or their elected Representatives’) personal use only. Winners (or Representatives) are not entitled to substitution, cash redemption or transfer of Rewards.
  13. Rewards provided under this Program may be subject to taxation and reporting, pursuant to applicable local laws. Each Winner and / or its employee who receives an Reward is solely and directly responsible for any tax liabilities (including tax withholdings and employment taxes), social security and insurance contributions, tax implications, and tax reporting, arising from or under this Program. HPE shall not have any liability for taxes (including tax withholdings and employment taxes), social security and insurance contributions, or tax reporting arising from or under this Program.
  14. The company(ies) that own the trademarks for the Rewards referenced herein are not sponsors of, participants in, and have not endorsed this Program. All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
  15. Each Winner shall ensure that its nominated Representative participating in the event/Reward is covered by health and accident insurance. Participants agree to hold HPE and its directors, officers, employees, licensees and assigns harmless against all and any liability and claims and injuries that may arise from or be based upon participation, winning, acceptance and/or use of the Reward received in connection with this Program including but not limited to liability for personal injury, property damages or other injury or accident.
  16. HPE, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent corporations, and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, and agents and any and all internet servers and access provider(s) are not responsible for: any incorrect or inaccurate entry information; human error; technical malfunctions or defects of computer systems or websites utilized in the Program, theft, tampering, destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries; data processing that is processed late or incorrectly or is incomplete or lost; and any entries that are late, lost, incomplete, misdirected, stolen, mutilated or illegible. Submitting false, fraudulent, or misleading information in connection with the Program may result in adverse actions including, but not limited to, in disqualification from this Program, future HPE Programs, and civil or criminal liability to the submitter. HPE reserves the right to audit information provided in registration and the supporting documentation for all claims made under this Program.
  17. For the purposes of this Program, HPE cannot guarantee the performance of any third party and to the extent permitted by applicable law shall not be liable for any act or default by a third party.
  18. Participants agree that they are familiar with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and other similarly applicable legislation, and shall not in connection with participation in the Program make any payment or transfer anything of value to, offer, promise or give a financial or other advantage to, or request or agree to receive or accept a financial or other advantage from, either directly or indirectly: any government official or employee (including employees of a government corporation or public international organization), political party, or candidate for public office; or to any other person with an intent to obtain or retain business or gain an improper business advantage.
  19. Any personal data which you may provide when you participate in this Program will only be used by HPE in accordance with its Privacy Statement available at https://www.hpe.com/us/en/legal/privacy.html and if applicable, its subcontractors or service providers, for the purposes of this Program and Participants consent to use of their data for these purposes.
  20. To the extent permitted by applicable law, HPE has the final decision regarding all matters related to this Program.
  21. This Program shall be governed and construed by the laws specified in the Participant’s currently valid HPE Partner Agreement and be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts stated thereunder.